We recommend using Google Chrome.
Note that our website also works in other modern browsers, but is tested in and approved for Google Chrome. OK

Information about cookies

Our website are using cookies to give you as a visitor the best user experience possible. Cookies are small text files which are saved on your computer or mobile phone when you are using our website.

Our cookies helps us to

  • Make the website behave as you expect it to
  • Save your settings from one visit to the other

Permission to use cookies
If the settings in your web browser allows cookies we will interpet this as a confirmation from you, to allow us to use cookies on our web site.

Turn off cookies
Cookies can be erased or disabled if you wish. Please consider though, this will have the effect of you not beeing able to user our website. You can disable cookies from the security settings in your web browser. How this is done is described from your web browsers help documentation.

Vi använder cookies för att ge dig en så bra upplevelse som möjligt. Genom att fortsätta godkänner du cookies. Jag förstår